Friday, January 20, 2012

Being fit is a healthy lifestyle :)

 I'd like to share to my fellow young professionals on how being fit will lead us into a healthy lifestyle.

My audience are my fellow young professionals who wishes to have a healthy and fit body. Young adults nowadays are mostly interested in making their bodies fit and healthy. They are conscious in their bodies that's why I can truly say that they are very willing to lend their ears to me whenever I speak in front of them. Being fit and healthy is what young adults want because as part of being an adolescent they have to look presentable. My speech can offer them an additional information on how to have a healthy and fit body. It will tackle all about the tips on how to have a fit body in order to have a healthy lifestyle. It's a great help for them especially for those who really want to have a presentable body and  be healthy at the same time. It will also tell you how would you have a healthy lifestyle once you are fit.

Introduction- I was planning to say here who wants to be fit and the most conscious about their body.
Body- This contains the advantages of being fit, tips on how to have a healthy lifestyle by being fit, and how to have a fit and healthy body.
Ending- This contains the summary of the body and emphasize the goodness of having a fit body with a healthy lifestyle.


I. Introduction
   A. Who wants to have a fit and healthy body?

II. Body
    A. Advantages of being fit
    B. Tips on how to have a healthy lifestyle by being fit
    C. Tips on how to have a fit and healthy body

III. Ending

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