Sunday, April 8, 2012

My persuasive Speech :)

I've delivered my last speech already! It's very refreshing because I'm one of the first speaker and when I'm alredy done speaking it made me realize that I had the confidence which made my speech so exciting and flawless. It's been a week ago since I've delivered my speech but still it is fresh in my mind because I really enjoyed it. My persuasive speech also helped me to do well because I really love my topic which is to have a college uniform. Loving the topic and having the knowledge about it helped me to give everything I've got and to be honest that was my speech which I felt very excited that's why I really volunteered to be one of the first speaker. Compared to my Informative Speech, my persuasive speech was a little bit easy for me because I'm very into it and I really want it. I really have the confidence in me while delivering my speech compared to my Informative Speech and I really improved it. Also, I established more eye contact with my audience and smiled to them while speaking. I just really need to improve my speaking language because I'm still stammering. I should control also my emotions because when I'm very excited I'm lost of words.

Conducting a research and the opinions of others is very important. I asked many students whether they like to have a college uniform and it is very balance and there are two main reasons why they want and not want to have a college uniform. In having a college uniform they said that it will never be stressful to go to school thinking what to wear but in students who doesn't want a college uniform, they really think that it is not necessary to have uniform because we are already in college and in our entire life in primary and secondary we were wearing a uniform. Based on what they've said and what I conducted I composed a very well speech(for me :]). There's an instance too wherein I am speaking in my bathroom because I am practicing for my persuasive speech and it is very ideal to do because it really helps me to have the confidence and I can look at myself and see that I am improving a lot which is very inspiring.

When I am already a successful entrepreneur I 'll make sure that I have the good posture and appearance while talking in front of my audience so that they'll be more attentive listening to my speech. I really want also to improve my language and to control my emotions in order for me to have a good speaking skills. And lastly, I will maintain the smile and the eye contact to my audience while having a talk in front of them. It's an achievement for me if I will pursue my personal resolutions.

Thanks Ms.Dianne I won't see my mistakes without you! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

College Uniform in DeLaSalle Canlubang: implement it or not?

Persuasive Speech Objective: I would like to convince the whole College Administration to implement a uniform to us college students.


A. Photos
1. College Students wearing and not wearing uniform.


A. Most of the college students think that it's cool to go to school without wearing uniform and just make "porma" in order to be notice.

B. Most of the college students are missing out the significance of wearing uniform.

C. It's too costly when there is no uniform.


A. If there is a College uniform then:

1. it'll helps to recognize the students where schools they are belong to.
2. NO daily battles between the students and the prefect about what's appropriate to wear.
3. Students will not have a hard time to think what to wear and how to make a fashion statement.
4.instill a sense of discipline and community feeling.
5. Students can find other means to showcase their creativeness.
6. Spirit of teamwork
7.Uniforms are cost-efficient.

B. Also, Sir Percy can concentrate on other things than watching college students if they are wearing the appropriate clothes for the college students

C. It can lessen too the robbery inside the campus because Sir Percy and the other administration as well as the students can distinguish who is the outsider and who is the student because of the uniform.


A. People will recognize easily that we are studying in DeLaSalle Canlubang because of our uniform

B. CANLUBANG will have more students because based on my research most of the students really wants to go to the colleges which have a College uniform.

C. People will see us as a proud Lasallian students.


A. Put pressure on the student council in order for them to talk about the implementing of the college uniform.

B. if the students really don't want to wear uniform the student council can suggests that mon-tues, thurs-fri should wear a uniform and every Wednesday students can wear anything they want but of course it shouldn't violate the dress code.


S.Panse, 2011, Benefits of school Uniform, (para.4)

Friday, February 24, 2012

What i felt during my speech :)

My informative speech was not that good nor bad, i think it's just an average. To be honest before I start my speech I'm just thinking of my mom because it's her 2nd death anniversary that time. I'm not in that mood too because of some emotional problems but when the time I went in front and saw Ms. Diane and my classmates there was something that sparked into my body which made me feel confident and start my speech with a smile :) It's pretty hard to talk in front of my classmates because they were not my classmates back in highschool but when I saw them smiling at me I told myself that they were very supportive that's why I should not bring them down. As i took my speech my head was very calm. I was able to organized my thoughts well and brought up some ideas and that was so AMAZING :)) Fortunately i was able to handle my nervousness and I think it's because of my mom and the help of Ms. Diane too :) Also, as what i've said in my first speech nervousness makes people stronger, i think i really applied it this time and it's a proof too. I'm so proud of myself when I was able to established an eye to eye contact with my audience because that's my number 2 weakness, I'm afraid to see them looking at me but thanks to my mom and to myself also I was able to establish that and the second one was when I was able to organize my thoughts and control everything it's so nice for me !:)

I think that i need to improve my gestures and my posture, i don't think that i did the right gestures and postures.:( AND MORE IDEAS :((

I hope that my classmates will support me again on my persuasive speech and hopefully this time i'll be a better speaker. hoping that they will like my speech too :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Being fit is a healthy lifestyle :)

I would like to discuss to my fellow young professionals that having a fit body and being conscious enough with your health without avoiding any of your favorite foods will lead you to have a healthy lifestyle.


I. Introduction
A. Short Clip

B. Who are very body conscious here? Is there a situation wherein you're very obsess in getting thin easily without doing the proper ways to become thin?

C. Interview/ Sources

D. Preview :
Expect that my speech will give you information that can help you to be fit which will lead you in having a healthy lifestyle.

II. Body

A. Advantages of being fit
a. Long life
b. Presentable body
c. Full of self confidence
d. Can wear anything you want
e. Can avoid severe diseases

B. Advantages of having a healthy lifestyle
a. Beautiful atmosphere
b. Light feeling
c. Easy to get along with other people
d. Inspires other
e. Healthy mind

C. Tips on how to be fit without avoiding your favorite food
a. Set an Inspiration (e.g favorite food)
b. EXERCISE daily or 3x a week
c. Think that food is delicious but you need to be healthy without avoiding it.
d. Motivate yourself to have a daily routine of exercising.
e. Eat your favorite foods like Lechon, patatim and the like not daily but enough to fulfill your longing for it.

III. Conclusion

After telling this things to all of you I hope you won't forget all the tips and the advantages that being fit will give you especially that it will lead you in having a healthy lifestyle.

Most of us want to be fit we just need the right discipline and the attitude in order for us to reach it. There are many advantages of being fit: it can make your life long, it can give you and presentable and gorgeous look, you won't be ashamed with anyone because you know that you're healthy and fit inside and out, you won't have any problems in wearing clothes because you're are not worry anymore with what people will think of you because they can only see a healthy and fit body, and lastly you will avoid severe diseases.
There's also the advantages of having a healthy lifestyle: you will always have a beautiful atmosphere though you have problems still your atmosphere is like taking you in beautiful places while looking for solutions with your problems, light feelings will be a result too of having a healthy lifestyle, you may talk and communicate with all the people you want because you're not afraid anymore on what they will see at you, having a healthy lifestyle will inspire not only 10 persons but hundreds and maybe thousands more, and lastly not only you're physically fit but also mentally fit.
Avoiding your food will always be the weaknesses of the people who wants to have a fit body but for me you can be fit although you are eating your favorite food and that's by: set an inspiration on doing things which will help you to become fit, exercise daily because you can be fit although you are eating a lot, think that all food are delicious but you should think too that it is best to eat when you know that you are fit, motivate yourself adn push yourself in order to reach for your goals, and lastly EAT YOUR FAVORITE FOODS NOT DAILY but enough to fulfill your longing with it.

Closing statement

Eating your favorite food will help you more to be fit. We shouldn't avoid it we just need to discipline ourselves in order to eat it, with us, making our bodies fit and having a healthy lifestyle.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Being fit is a healthy lifestyle :)

 I'd like to share to my fellow young professionals on how being fit will lead us into a healthy lifestyle.

My audience are my fellow young professionals who wishes to have a healthy and fit body. Young adults nowadays are mostly interested in making their bodies fit and healthy. They are conscious in their bodies that's why I can truly say that they are very willing to lend their ears to me whenever I speak in front of them. Being fit and healthy is what young adults want because as part of being an adolescent they have to look presentable. My speech can offer them an additional information on how to have a healthy and fit body. It will tackle all about the tips on how to have a fit body in order to have a healthy lifestyle. It's a great help for them especially for those who really want to have a presentable body and  be healthy at the same time. It will also tell you how would you have a healthy lifestyle once you are fit.

Introduction- I was planning to say here who wants to be fit and the most conscious about their body.
Body- This contains the advantages of being fit, tips on how to have a healthy lifestyle by being fit, and how to have a fit and healthy body.
Ending- This contains the summary of the body and emphasize the goodness of having a fit body with a healthy lifestyle.


I. Introduction
   A. Who wants to have a fit and healthy body?

II. Body
    A. Advantages of being fit
    B. Tips on how to have a healthy lifestyle by being fit
    C. Tips on how to have a fit and healthy body

III. Ending

Friday, January 13, 2012

Nervousness has an advantage :)

Nervousness makes the people stronger. Why? I know all of you will disagree with this but based on what i saw and what i felt then I think it really makes us stronger. Most of us feels that our number one enemy when it comes to speaking in front of a large crowd is nervousness. We think that it's because of our nervousness we commit mistakes while speaking but after I watched the film then I prove that it really helps us to be strong. Adrenaline rush makes the people stronger when there's something to happen that we didn't expect to happen. Adrenaline rush occurs too when we are nervous and it helps us to speak to the fullest because we are afraid to commit mistakes. Our nervousness leads us to have a self confidence while speaking in front of a large crowd.  Once we feel nervous we start to shake and feel that it's the end of our world but once we stand in front of our audience and start to speak then our confidence is slowly covering our nervousness. That's why I can say that nervousness also has it's advantage and it makes us strong while speaking.

Here are some of my personal tips to control my nervous while speaking in front of a large crowd:
  • Have an inspiration.
  • Be positive 
  • Ask God for his guidance before and after facing the audience.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Be sure that you understand your speech
  • Be proud of yourself
  • Think of positive thoughts
  • Think that they will have a good impression with you after delivering your speech.
  • Think that good grades are waiting for you after delivering a good speech.
  • Always put in your mind that everytime you speak in front of a large crowd, think that you're just talking to your friends and relatives.
Here are the two interesting topics for me:

1.) LOVE
         -Love is the number one interesting topic for teenagers nowadays. Once the topic is all about love all teenagers will concentrate and expect that they will keep quiet and listen carefully on the speaker. They will nod their heads too when they hear something which they can relate too.

          -Most of us wants to be fit and sexy especially the teenagers. This topic can obviously catch the attention of the teenagers. Expect too to see them holding the body parts that the speaker is trying to concentrate with then they'll say into their minds if they need to work with it or not.

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